Socks is my 8-year-old rescue Staffie, typical of the breed nothing phased her – except fireworks and thunder! In fact, she was so terrified she dug holes in my carpet trying to hide under chairs and tables. Her heartbeat so fast I thought it would pop out of her chest.

I contacted Mike Grantham (Rewarding Dogs) to see what could be done to help her apart from pills and potions which I really didn’t want to give her. He made up a CD with the noises she was frightened of along with instructions on how to use it. Simple! So easy!

November 5th came and went – and apart from once or twice lifting her head up at the very loud bangs – nothing. She was absolutely fine. A different dog!

A big thank you to Mike, – and another for helping me so much with my lurcher who arrived with many issues but is now so laid back he’s almost flower-power.